Fashion Design
The Fashion Design Technician is a qualified professional who carries out projects to create new clothing or accessory products and develops existing products for serial or made-to-measure production, taking into account national and international fashion trends, quality standards and sales trends.
About the course
Professional Exit: 12 07 – Fashion Design Technician
Professional Family: 12 – Textiles, Clothing and Footwear
Education and Training Area: Design
NQF Qualification Level: 4
EQF Qualification Level: 4
Type of Education and Training: Professional Course
School and Professional Certification: Secondary Education Level Course – Level 4 Professional Qualification
Ministerial Order no. 1 291/2006, of November 21 (Diário da República-I Série, No. 224)
Ministerial Order no. 601/2007, of May 18 (Diário da República-I Série, No. 96)
Course length: 3 years (3200 hours)
Start date: September (school year from September to June)